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Why using a Xero add-on expert could save a great deal of cost and delay

BookCheck has been providing book-keeping with management accounts for a lovely client in Bristol for three years. Our relationship is close, appreciated and satisfying.

About a year ago we considered with the client the case for a move to Xero which was actioned. The client decided for themselves the add-on for stock control and order processing. They declined our fixed price proposal to setup the add-on and fully onboard the data, also rejecting a half-way house of working alongside them. As professionals we warned them of the possible consequences.

The client gave us the go ahead to run the migration which was completed successfully, whereupon the client indicated that they weren’t ready on their side. A short delay would not have been a problem however the client delayed and delayed, ending up six months late. The client was forced to run the Xero system in parallel with the old Sage, simply to obtain the stock and order-processing facilities. This dual running doubled the book-keeping costs for all that time before the add-on was ready and the old Sage equivalent could be stopped. To make matters worse, the add-on not was not setup correctly by the client on Xero, causing a lot of extra work.

The estimated overall extra cost incurred by the client was £8,000 plus a great deal of hassle.