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19th December 2023
In today's fast-paced business landscape, staying competitive demands more than just traditional bookkeeping practices. Embracing technology is essential, and Xero has paved the way for businesses to streamline their financial operations.  Xero's functionality can be supercharged with the help of add-ons.  In this article, we'll delve into the benefits of Xero add-ons and how BookCheck can empower your business to implement them seamlessly. READ MORE
7th September 2023
In today's fast-paced business landscape, staying competitive demands more than just traditional bookkeeping practices. Embracing technology is essential, and Xero, a popular cloud-based accounting software, has paved the way for businesses to streamline their financial operations. But did you know that Xero's functionality can be supercharged with the help of add-ons? In this article, we'll delve into the benefits of Xero add-ons and how BookCheck can empower your business to implement them seamlessly. READ MORE
10th March 2023
BookCheck has been providing book-keeping with management accounts for a lovely client in Bristol for three years. Our relationship is close, appreciated and satisfying. About a year ago we considered with the client the case for a move to Xero which was actioned. The client decided for themselves the add-on for stock control and order processing. They declined our fixed price proposal to setup the add-on and fully onboard the data, also rejecting a half-way house of working alongside them. As professionals we warned them of the possible consequences. READ MORE
10th February 2023
We all know the importance of producing sound quality management accounts - measuring is the start of improving profitability. There they are - nice, neat numbers but how sure are you of the quality? Is it sound? Does the bank reconcile? Is the PAYE balance correct? What’s in the suspense account? Does it correctly incorporate opening balances from the previous year? What’s the quality of the purchase ledger balances and the sales ledger? READ MORE
15th September 2022
Many business owners simply see their accountant as a cost and someone to whom they send a bag of paperwork at the end of their financial year – some even refer to them as the “necessary evil”! Whilst this may suit some business owners, those with growth ambitions should consider their accountant as an investment. One that, like any other, needs attention in order to maximise a return. READ MORE
17th August 2022
If you want a more efficient business with lower overheads and clearer management information, the answer is Xero BookCheck helps customers grow through clever bookkeeping and management reporting – and its expertise at moving customers to the next generation of accounting software is proving to be transformational for the businesses it works with. READ MORE
10th August 2022
BookCheck appoints new Managing Director BookCheck the Stroud based outsourced Bookkeeping with Management Information and Payroll specialist has announced the appointment of James Wetherall ACA, as their new Managing Director. James will work alongside the founding Managing Director, Anthony Pilkington who will become Executive Chairman of the fast-growing business. READ MORE
18th July 2022
The secret weapon helping businesses run better: BookCheck expert insight With the help of bookkeeping and accounting experts BookCheck, SoGlos reveals the simple tool that could make all the difference to your business profitability. Getting up-to-date management accounts to help businesses make decisions isn’t reserved just for big companies – small businesses can access this valuable information with the help of  bookkeepers, BookCheck. READ MORE
1st March 2022
If you want a more efficient business with lower overheads and clearer management information, the answer is Xero BookCheck helps customers grow through clever bookkeeping and management reporting – and its expertise at moving customers to the next generation of accounting software is proving to be transformational for the businesses it works with. READ MORE
14th December 2021
The COVID pandemic has had a dramatic affect on many aspects of our daily lives. For businesses though some aspects of these changes are likely to have a lasting impact and may even become a new type of business as usual. In this blog we look at the arguments for why COVID has made the arguments in favour of outsourcing bookkeeping even stronger than pre-COVID. READ MORE
2nd August 2021
What Good MI looks like In short, it's quality information that allows you to make informed management decisions to improve the profitability and value of your business. Good implies that it meets your individual requirements, it’s sufficiently detailed but not too much and that you fully understand it – you own it. But it needs to be prompt – another ingredient of Good. It needs to tick all these boxes to be successful.  READ MORE
21st July 2021
With 26 years experience and 60 staff in the Team, Gloucestershire based Bookkeeping with Management Information and Payroll specialist BookCheck has launched a complementary service to improve cash flow and reduce bad debts. READ MORE
20th May 2021
The benefits of outsourcing your payroll and what to look for when choosing a provider 1 Resources Do you worry about who is going to run your payroll? Have you suffered a late payroll due to staff absence? If you outsource your payroll you won’t have to worry because it will be the provider’s responsibility to run, on time. Pick a provider with a sizable number of employees to cover holiday gaps etc. READ MORE
22nd February 2021
Sir Paul Chambers was never a household name, even in his lifetime but he came up with an innovation that changed the economy. This was back in the early 1940s when the world was at war and those left behind in Whitehall began to think about the post-war era. We all know about the other institutions founded then, the National Health Service and state education for instance but less is said about the seismic shift in the way tax is collected. Before then, most people paid tax in arrears, calculating what they owed and paying a lump sum to the taxman. READ MORE
9th February 2021
Well not really, as no company would get very far if it didn’t report PAYE, VAT or year end accounts. But what about where it’s not compulsory, such as management accounts? Judging by the absence of such from most businesses it looks like they don’t matter. This is a pity because if you can measure it you can improve it, assuming you want to? READ MORE
24th November 2020
For an organisation that combines outsourced bookkeeping with management accounts, you would expect us to be “fans” of what good quality MI or what we would call management accounts, can do for a business.    We have heard MI compared with the devices connected to a modern car being serviced – the type which gives the mechanic an immediate picture of a raft of key statistics. READ MORE
9th November 2020
The last six months have strongly underlined the everlasting creed that ensuring your business is sufficiently funded is still your most important objective, bar none. It’s always been the case, now some businesses will have to fight this one more strongly than ever but the same principles apply. READ MORE
20th October 2020
Payroll tends to be a poor relation but boy is it important when it’s wrong One thing you can be sure of – if you mess up a payroll you’ll really know about it and it could have big consequences. That’s why it’s really important that whoever is responsible is accurate, reliable and on time. If not, it needs fixing. Payroll and Covid 19 READ MORE
29th September 2020
It’s often a struggle fitting in the payroll processing but clearly it’s important to avoid mistakes which can quickly lead to staff problems and significant fines. Running a payroll is quite a challenge. It’s easy to regard it as a simple task when in fact an awful lot can go wrong, causing cost and upset employees, not to mention fines from HMRC or the Pension Regulator. The table below shows some of the errors we’ve inherited with new payrolls, nearly all of which you will need to be on the right side of when running your payroll, whoever does it.   READ MORE